Congrats Shaadee! // A Yale University Graduation

I had the pleasure of meeting Shaadee at a very momentous point in her life…Her graduation from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. As pretty much everyone knows…graduation is important! From our moms and dads points of view…we are completing a degree that cost so much time and money, to better our lives and get a good job (not to sum it up or anything)….and without their support where would we be?..For real. But, from my point of view (Remember I’m an artist, and I’m not very fond of structure.) it is a graduation from day to day scheduling, hours upon days of homework, tests, and studying, agonizing stress as to whether you will pass, fail, succeed, or forever take that math class over and over again. It is a graduation from school to the world around us, where everyone is wondering how we’ll leave our mark on the world.ย So Shaadee….from the bottom of my heart, Congratulations! You made it through all those years of following Yale’s schedule of events. Now go make your own schedule, master the real world, and please, I beg of you, keep smiling…because your personality will change the world. (And I only spent 1.5 hours with you…that’s how infectious it is.)



Addison’s One Year/ Cake Smash/ Family Shoot

Spring is here and one year ago we were celebrating this little babe and her entrance into the world.


And now a year later we were able to see how much Addison has grown. It’s always such a treat when a past client contacts us for another round of photos…ESPECIALLY when it is a sequel to a newborn session. We love babies, in case you didn’t know that. And we love families. And we value this so highly in our everyday lives. Photos are no longer just a print you hang on the wall, they are tiny little moments that one day the brain will no longer be able to hold onto, but a photo can…ย forever.

Happy Birthday Addison! We hope to see you and that beautiful smile of yours in the future! (And your parents too- cause they’re pretty rad)


โค Kay and Amy

Two more babes joined the WS family! // October Newborn Sessions

Good afternoon!

Welcome to the baby blog! …or so it seems. Haha. We had the pleasure of meeting two new bundles of cuteness this month in between all the gorgeous fall engagement shoots (stay tuned for those).

First up was a young man named James. This little guy was alert and quite curious as to what we were doing in his home. It is always a pleasure meeting these new families. And we are always very thankful that they let us give their babies some little cuddles. heehee. The Kump family was adorable and my favorites from this shoot were definitely the ones where you can see their smiles…their hearts are overflowing with love and it gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling knowing they let us in on such a special moment in their lives.

Then a week or so later…. baby Aurora was born. And what a beautiful little lady she was. It took a little bit to get to her eyes to close but, swaddled in pink, and cozied up in blankets she made our job pretty easy. Even Archer, her husky, joined for a few photos so he didn’t feel left out.

Notice also that James and Aurora both have a connection with Yale. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for loving on our baby photos. I promise the next one will be back to engagements. Heehee. (I think we just have eternal baby fever. Because these are always my fav!)


Get ready for some cuteness! // End of Summer Newborn Sneak Peak

Oh hey there…are you ready. Like seriously ready? To see some adorable little gals? In between the hustle and bustle of wedding season we had two beautiful new babes grace us with their presence.

First we met Harley, a sweet little peanut of a girl that wanted to show us just how long she could keep those baby blues open. This shoot took place in the comfort of her home nestled in cozy blankets where we thought she would fall asleep…although this didn’t happen…not until we took her outside to the beach in Milford, CT and had the sound of the salty sea air put her to sleep. I guess she just wanted to be snuggled in a basket. ๐Ÿ™‚ Michelle and Donny got some adorable cuddle time in too to make for some sweet family pictures.

Not even a week later Kay was lucky enough to meet Eliana. This shoot was extra special for us because we have had the pleasure of working with her mama -Erica- for her engagement, wedding, and first child, Angela, photos. We’ve been following every lovely part of this family’s story and baby girl #2 is just icing on the cake. โค Eliana was wide eyed and curious as she lay in the golden sunlight of the woods. This baby girl gave us a few smiles though and even had some tummy time with her mama.

Thank you to all you ladies out there having babies…We love it…and our job wouldn’t be half as glorious as it is without these little miracles in front of our lens.



Head-shot Marathon in Astoria Park

Listen up!

We’re doing something awesome!

And it has to do with portraits…

For one day and one day only (for 2015 at least heehee) we will be in New York taking thousands of lovely portraits for all you actors, actresses, entrepreneurs, and regular ol’joes wanting new, updated, EDITED headshots.

Here are the details:

  • Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 (Rain date Tuesday, September 22nd)
  • Astoria Park in Queens
  • First session beginning at 10am.
  • $150/ 1 hour session (This gives you time for an outfit change)
  • $100/ 30min session
  • 20-30 edited photos that are “sharing”/website ready; and optional extra retouching on 2-4 images.

There will be hair and makeup available on site if desired. This will be a separate charge from the prices mentioned above and is optional. (If you’ve got your own skills use them!) This will of course need to be booked prior to your photography time slot.

There will be a non-refundable deposit of $50 due at the time of booking to reserve your slot.

We have a high interest in this already so if it’s something that suits your fancy I would recommend booking your slot ASAP!

Shoot us an email at info(@)walkerstudiosllc .com letting us know you’re interested and we’ll set up a time, secure the deposit, and get you in the schedule!

Ps. Share this with all your awesome friends. ‘Cause we’d love to meet them.


[For more examples of our photography visit our website:ย Walker Studios LLCย and specifically visit the “Portraits” tab. ]

Some 2014 Favorites//Part Four

The day has come for part four of the 2014 favorites series. When I started this it was going to be two posts. But alas, I was not suspecting we’d have so many fun shoots booked in the last few months! So here we are on the final post. I’m going to be showcasing four different sessions, so I’ll try to keep it a little less wordy as you’ll be overloaded with images in a second ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just kidding, it’s never an overload right? After all, I’m pretty sure you come here for photos and not witty sayings. Especially when they’re smiling kiddos.

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Some 2014 Favorites//Part Three

Welcome back friends!

Today we’re onto part three of the 2014 favorites. There’s only one more after this, I promise ๐Ÿ˜‰ I decided instead of cramming everything into one or two posts, I needed three. Last night you got to see some of our recent events we’ve shot, which you may not have known we do. Today I bring you a pretty quick post with some head shots. Also something you may not know we do. While it’s pretty widely known that I enjoy capturing love and emotion, especially in a photo-journalistic way, I do know that sometimes all you may need is a simple head shot. Whether it be for a business card, a LinkedIn profile, or a magazine, they require a different setting than my usual shoots. They are being used to make you look professional after all ๐Ÿ™‚
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Some 2014 Favorites//Part Two!

You’ve been seeing some sneaks (maybe not as much lately as I’d like) of our work on here but I do believe it’s time for a part 2 of 2014 faves. Usually the sneak peeks put up on here are our bigger shoots, so if you don’t follow us on Facebook, you’ve been missing our smaller stuff. For example, we do shoot events, and those don’t always get their own post. Like this pretty lady’s baby shower we shot a few weeks ago.
carolshower1 Continue reading

Some 2014 Favorites//Part One

First, a new blog layout! The orange sidebar will help you find categories or search for specific posts, also helps you connect with us in the social media world. I also thought these colors were a bit brighter and fresher than the other one! What do you think?

Secondly, we’ve been quite busy so far in 2014. I’m not going to make you read too much, but I wanted to share some of the shoots we’ve been working on since you’ve last heard from us. For the sake of time (and space) I’m going to compile some of my favorites from the shoots to share here instead of giving each small session their own post. I was doing that for a while, but when one becomes backed up in the blogging world, this is much more efficient.

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{52 Weeks} Week Thirteen: Childhood Nightmares


13/52 Childhood Nightmares

Sometimes you’re running but you aren’t moving. Sometimes you’re being chased by something, something that is always just out of sight, something that has no name but holds great fear. Sometimes you are bound tight, unable to move as you’re surrounded. Sometimes, it’s just blackness. Childhood nightmares can be terrifying. You don’t know what’s going on, or how to handle it. You wake up screaming, sobbing, maybe shaky and sweating. If you’re lucky, you’ll enter your adult life and they’ll stay in your childhood. If you’re not, they’ll follow you, haunt you until your dying day. That one nightmare you have every few years, reminding you of those nights you woke up with a fright. Now you’re tired of it. You know better. But in the moment, you still can never shake it. You’re tied up in a dream where the lines of reality are crossed and blurred. It takes a few seconds. You shake your groggy self awake. You remind yourself it was just a dream, and if you’re lucky, you roll back over to sleep.


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